Life Talent Level 1
Tools for Personal Transformation Intensive Coaching Group
Dates TBA
Tools for Personal Transformation 2024
10 online sessions
Dates TBA
This is Part 1 of our flagship programme, the 39-week life-changing Life Talent Programme. The Life Talent Programme aims to be one of the most transformative personal evolution programmes in the world.
This profound and magical workshop
is designed to help you dive deep
to fulfil your potential
in the marriage with your work,
the marriage of love and friendship
and most important of all,
the marriage with yourself.
Find out more about
The Life Talent Programme
Is any of this true for you?
- Are you living with the knowledge that you haven’t fulfilled your potential yet?
- Do you want to be more fulfilled, happy and successful?
- Are you in a career or life-stage transition and want support to make the most of new opportunities ?
- Perhaps you sense that you’ve taken a wrong turning in your life and need to do a 3-point turn, or gradually loop back to get yourself on course again?
- Are you aware that you’re actually doing really well and it’s time to focus more fully on what’s great in you?
Focusing on what is great about you
accelerates achieving your potential in life.
But you also need to take your foot off the brake,
your psychological obstacles to change.
Personal transformation involves both.
Are you ready to live more of who you truly are?
This 9 evening workshop is for people who know there is more to life than the way they are living at the moment. People who have big dreams or, at least an inkling of a big dream, and just a little belief that they could uncover it and make it happen. People who are committed to finding their life calling and living their purpose.
If you don’t have a vision or dream or any ideas at all that you’d like to bring into reality, then what you’ll experience at this workshop will most likely not be meaningful for you.
Plus… this is an intensive experience, so if you’re not ready to dive deep, get real clarity on what you want, to heal what holds you back and commit to taking the action you need to get there, then this is definitely not for you.
If your answer is YES, then read on…
9 weeks to focus on YOU
When you attend the Personal Transformation Intensive you get 9 weeks to focus on your development. You have time to nourish your dreams, your strengths and what is great about you – to mobilise your psychological resources and see yourself in a new light.
Together we will:
- Enhance what is great about you
- Reduce anything that disempowers you
- Plan and prepare to take practical steps in changing your life
- Feel inspired about what is possible for you and be optimistic about the changes you want to make
- Improve what doesn’t work
- Move away from your dark side – your secret disempowered self
- Create more opportunity for luck to happen (luck happens to those who take action)
As part of the process we will be uncovering what holds you back – your “foot on the brake”. This can include a feeling that you can’t make it happen, a lack of self-belief and self-confidence, a sense that you may fail or are unlovable, and fear or other emotions that get in your way. The key is to bring understanding, acceptance and loving kindness to your difficulties so they start to transform as you draw out what is best in you.
Make sustainable and positive changes in your life
It’s really important that you are able to go back out into your life after the workshop and make the changes you have identified and committed to. So we will also give you some tools that will help you increase your ability to keep resourceful and nourished after the workshop.
“Having met Julian when he was speaking at a conference, I was struck by his honesty and insights, so I signed up for his Tools for Personal Transformation: Life Talent Level 1. It’s so empowering. Through simple techniques I’ve discovered my Life-Calling, opened my strengths and explored areas that I can work on to heal the battle wounds that life gives us all. The regular group work has also built wonderful bonds as we shared so much through the process. Julian is sensitive and perceptive as well as very real in his approach. If you genuinely want to discover more about what makes you tick and how to unleash even more of your potential, then sign up!”

I’m here to support you
My passion is helping people blossom.
I have been on my own path of personal exploration for 40 years and leading others on theirs since the 1980s. Today I offer open workshops, on-going groups, and am an executive coach to leaders in global organizations in Europe, USA and Asia.
I have been a UKCP registered psychotherapist, hold a 2nd dan black-belt in Aikido, practise yoga and Five Rhythms dance and am a long-term heart student of a great Buddhist Master. I have been a volunteer at my local hospital as part of the Chaplaincy Spiritual Care Team. I am a regional representative for the International Association of Generative Change.
So I really am here to support you on this journey. It’s what I love to do and have been practising for many years. As you blossom, so do I.
This is the plan
We spend four sessions developing and clarifying what is great about you: your Life-Calling, your Strengths, your Vision, your psychological resources. Although we have looked at these topics in some of the free mini workshops, during this course we will use deeper and more powerful tools. We guarantee that everyone will have a clear Life-Calling by the end of the programme.
We spend three sessions on reducing, reframing and healing what holds you back so you have new empowering beliefs and feel more confident, optimistic and proactive.
We spend a session on your action steps and creating new habits that will increase your well-being and ability to change.
You will receive a one-to-one 1-hour coaching session with Julian Russell during the programe.
You will receive a workbook, an email group and will have buddy coaching calls each week with other participants.
How we work together
The classes will be conducted on Zoom with presentations, demonstrations of exercises, group sharing, meditations, small group exercises in break-out rooms and personal coaching from Julian. You will need to use a device, ideally a computer, with video and audio and be undisturbed in a quiet location.
In addition to attending the weekly class, we will participate in peer coaching sessions with another participant each week. There will be an email group to share your daily experience with each other.
We use group meditations, body-mind exercises and sharing, to support the unfolding personal and group potential.
We work with our own personal experience and also with how this reflects the collective experience of being human. In facing our own personal challenges, we act as a representative for all of humanity in facing these challenges – by facing our own difficulties we are pioneers for a psychological evolution of humanity.
“Through all of it I felt wonderfully held to go to places that would allow me to be more of myself and really connect with what is right for me at this time. Julian’s practical and healing presence supported all uniquely to find out what it is in this life that makes them scream YES!”
A rare opportunity to renew and strengthen my heart and soul, I am bringing more passion into my work in a way that I used to and haven’t been able to for several years”.
“Julian’s work has helped me to recognise and move past what has kept me small while expanding into a fuller and more effective version of who I have always wanted to be. His compassion and unstinting clarity make him a brilliant coach. I truly believe that working with him will help anyone expand and improve their life.”
“I found the mix of active learning, reflection, group work and the sheer fun Julian encourages in the group an ideal environment for me to explore. I left the workshop with a very clear sense of what my life calling is, how I had been resisting it, and a renewed trust in my ability to live my life calling more fully.”
What’s the fee?
In this time of COVID 19, I want to enable most people, whatever their personal circumstances, to participate. I will therefore run this course on a donation basis. To help you consider the value of my time and my own income needs, I am suggesting 3 possible levels of donation:
Standard donation: £495
Low income minimum donation: £250
Professional or Business Sponsor or Willing to Sponsor Others donation: £693
These are suggestions – please pay what you feel is right between the lower and the upper figures.
Are you ready to take action?
Booking your place on the Personal Transformation Intensive is a big first step on the journey of the rest of your life.
I wonder…
What could your future be like if you take action now and attend this workshop?
What will it be like if you don’t?
Feel the energy of change within you
If you’re thinking about coming along, I recommend you get yourself booked in right now to allow the energy of change to start moving within you straight away. Don’t let the stagnant energy of procrastination get in the way!
Tools for Personal Transformation
Life Talent Programme Level 1
Dates TBA
10 online sessions
If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please contact Linda at for details.
The full amount is due a month before the workshop.
For questions:
To book:
Telephone: +44 (0)7480558942
This is Level 1 of the Life Talent Programme
The 4 principles of Life Talent are
1: Make the Most of Yourself.
2: Transform Your Difficulties into Gifts.
3: Take Action.
4: Feel the Support of Life Itself.
Tools for Personal Transformation form the first 9 sessions of the full 40 session Life Talent Programme – the iconic world-class personal transformation programme. The Life Talent Programme: Level 2 takes place over a further 31 sessions with a term in the early summer and another in the autumn.
To participate in the Life Talent Programme: Level 2, you must first attend this Level 1 Personal Transformation Intensive.
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