Free videos and audios
Empower Yourself. Empower the Community
We will explore Julian’s integral personal evolution model, which includes both the psychological and spiritual, as well as our ancestors and our place in the natural world. After a presentation and discussion, Julian leads a deep meditation supporting and nourishing our natural process of psycho-spiritual evolution.
- 5th October 2023: Empower Yourself. Empower the Community
Building a Generative Vision for a Better World with Robert Dilts
Let’s embody the vision together and join us at Robert Dilts’s workshop: “Building a Generative Vision for a Better World”. It is not just the visioning that is important, but the growing sense of the community field emerging from all of us together. Please bring your energy, soul, expertise, and passion.
- Watch the video: Building a Generative Vision for a Better World
The Death and Rebirth of Human Consciousness with Steve Gilligan
We are in the middle of the deepest human transformation in human history: the death of the isolated ego and the birth of the interconnected eco-mind. The ego-isolated mind was based on disconnection from body, nature, nonverbal intelligence, and all “otherness”. The eco-mind awakens via an interconnectedness to these very contexts of consciousness.
We explore Thich Nhat Han’s prediction that “the next Buddha (awakened being) will come not as an individual but as a community,” with special focus on how collective movements like Generative Citizen are essential to this awakening.
- Watch the video: The Death and Rebirth of Human Consciousness
Taking Charge of Your Life
The secret to taking charge of your life is to engage your unconscious resources, your resources as a human, as nature and as spirit. We will use a long, guided meditation, small and large group sharing to help you take the next step in taking charge of your life.
- 15th March 2023: Taking Charge of Your Life
- Listen to the meditation
How to Have a Great Life
We will explore Julian’s integral personal evolution model, which includes both the psychological and spiritual, as well as our ancestors and our place in the natural world. After a presentation and discussion, Julian leads a deep meditation supporting and nourishing our natural process of psycho-spiritual evolution.
- 11th January 2023: How to Have a Great Life
Explore Your Vision for 2023
We will explore our intentions for the new year, evoke our psychological resources and create a vision of how we want to be and what we want to achieve, bringing in additional resources to help us with any difficulties we might face.
- 4th January 2023: Explore Your Vision for 2023
A Love Meditation for Christmas
Christmas is when the best of our relationships nourish us, and we are faced with our grief and loss too.
How will it be for you? What is the love that you can reach out to and lean into? Whatever your circumstances, hold yourself with love.
May you be held in love this Christmas, and I send you mine too.
- 14th December 2022: A Love Meditation for Christmas
Heal Your Emotional Wounds
There are many psychological methods for healing emotional wounds, but the underlying principle is to welcome and bring love to wounded or alienated parts of your own experience. Once you accept, acknowledge, and love those parts of yourself, you can also become their protector and champion.
Join me to find inner psychological resources that are healing, and bring this to ourselves in a deep healing meditation.
- 7th December 2022: Heal Your Emotional Wounds
Become more aligned and empowered in yourself
An easy win in life is to emphasise, accentuate and spotlight your inner resources. Discover your Life-Calling, understand and play to your strengths, practice evoking your inner resources, filter for the best experiences of your personal history. These simple practices will change your life. If we do this every day, our lives will get better and better.
- 30th November 2022: Become more aligned and empowered in yourself
Become a Generatively Empowered Earth Protector
In this workshop, we learn how to include feelings of helplessness and hopelessness on the journey to empowerment. We deepen the resources we need at this time. From an empowered place, we explore how we can keep our daily life commitments and make a difference to the world.
Make the world better: Become an Active Bystander
The “Bystander Effect” can stop us acting when we witness prejudice, harassment, violence, or impending environmental catastrophe. With many people around, we may not feel personally responsible; and as herd animals, we look at the behaviour of those around us to see how to behave. The remedy is to say, “If not me, who?” How can we “be the change we want in the world”?
- 19th October 2022: Make the world better: Become an Active Bystander
Becoming a Generative Citizen, with Judith Lowe
We live in troubled times, and we need to take our capacities to new levels to meet new challenges with creativity and humanity. In this workshop we focus on a core skill set that supports the kind of inner development and Mindshift that could help us to create new ways of being, thinking and relating in the world.
- 12th October 2022: Becoming a Generative Citizen
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What Stops You from Living Your Life Fully?
The secret of life is to know who you are and what you offer to the world, to have powerful psychological and spiritual resources supporting you, to have significantly healed your core wounds, and to be able to hold yourself with love when difficult emotions arise.
- 7th September 2022: Heal Your Emotional Wounds
- 14th September 2022: Align with Yourself Emotionally Everyday
- 21st September 2022: Believe in Yourself
- 28th September 2022: Everything is Waiting for You
How to Achieve Mastery and High Performance
“The path of mastery” is when you explore your ultimate potential in some skill set. The path is turbocharged when the skill set supports the realisation of your Life-Calling.
- 20th July 2022: How to Achieve Mastery and High Performance
Give Your Unique Gift to the World
What’s most important in life is your gift to the world (through love and work), combined with what you are great at, and your rich life experience; both joyful and difficult, and your inner resources; all of this makes you unique in the world.
- 29th June 2022: Give Your Unique Gift to the World
Boost Your Psychological Resources
Your inner resources can be accessible to you 24 hours a day 365 days a year – it’s a matter of developing them and learning to access them whenever you want them. Even better, with some practice, you will find that your inner resources come of their own accord without you asking, the cavalry charging over the hill when you are in trouble, when your unconscious believes you need them.
- 22th June 2022: Boost Your Psychological Resources
What are Your Superpowers?
If you know what skills you are using when you are at your best, you will be more confident; you will focus your career and shape your job around those skills; you will pay more attention to your strengths than your weaknesses; you will emphasise your strengths during an interview; you are more likely to let other people know what your super-powers are, and invite them to celebrate them with you.
- 8th June 2022: What are your Superpowers?
What is Your Life-Calling?
People with a purpose in life live longer, have a better immune system and perform better. Having a purpose in life has ripple effects in all areas of life, including health, longevity, self-regulation, engagement, happiness, and performance. Relatively small interventions can have a huge impact on people’s lives.
- 25th May 2022: What is Your Life-Calling?
Deepening the Joy of Living
There are three great aspirations in life: to achieve something worthwhile, to become more of who you truly are, and to be present to the magnificence of life, just for the sake of it. All we need to do is take time every day to stop and feel our own soulfulness. A little slow living everyday will nourish your soul.
- 20th April 2022: Deepening the Joy of Living: how to deepen our joy in being alive
- 27th April 2022: Deepening the Joy of Living #2: mindfulness and flow practices
- 4th May 2022: Deepening the Joy of Living #3: how do we deal with suffering?
- 11th May 2022: Deepening the Joy of Living #4: Make it a habit
Inner Alchemy: Unlock the Natural Life Force Within Your Resistance to Change
With special guest Judith Puckmayr
How can you unlock the natural life force and primordial power contained within your defences, layers of protection, inner conflict and survival strategies? How do you relate with these forces that live within your body and how can you turn these energies into allies?
- 13th April 2022: Inner Alchemy
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Introducing `Generative Citizen´
With special guest Judith Lowe
Skills for creating a compassionate, peaceful, and sustainable world. Focused on a core skill set that supports the kind of inner development and Mindshift that could help us to create new ways of being, thinking and relating in the world.
- 6th April 2022: Introducing `Generative Citizen´
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Nourish Your Soul in Nature
What is your relationship with nature and how could it be more nourishing? Miniseries co-guided by Natasha Lythgoe and Julian Russell.
- 9th March 2022: Opening to a Nourishing Relationship with Nature
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Listen to the meditation - 16th March 2022: We Are Nature
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- 23th March 2022: Appreciation versus Appropiation
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- 30th March 2022: Living Nature
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Awaken the Gifts from Your Ancestors
In this miniseries, we seek to awaken the empowering gifts from our ancestors and begin the process of transforming any transgenerational wounds or shadows that we have inherited.
- 26th January 2022: the Gifts and Burdens from Our Ancestors
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Listen to the meditation - 2nd February 2022: Revitalising the Gifts from Our Ancestors
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Listen to the meditation - 9th February 2022: Healing Transgenerational Disempowerments and Trauma
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Listen to the meditation - 16th February 2022: What If You Don’t Know your Ancestors or Have Feelings but Don’t Know Where They Come from. With special guest Selene Kumin Vega.
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Listen to the meditation - 23th February 2022: Healing Collective Shadows
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- 2nd March 2022: Invigorate the Gifts, Transform the Wounds
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You Can Heal Your Life
You can amplify what is great about you, and you can heal what holds you back in life – learn how to express all that you truly are and can be.
- 5th January 2022: Heal the Secret Corners of Yourself with Love
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Listen to the meditation - 12th January: Find the Inner Resources that Heal
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- 19th January: The Journey of Healing, Transformation and Fulfilment
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What is My Potential in Life?
#1 What is My Potential in Life?
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#2 What is My Gift to the World?
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#3 How do I Include My Vulnerability and Difficulty?
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#4 How do I make it Happen?
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Full Spectrum Meditation Practice
November 2021
There are 3 types of Meditation: Awareness practice, Relational Meditation (prayer) and Psychological Meditation – learn to do them all in one sitting.
#1 Awareness Practice part 1: Attention and the Field of Awareness.
Watch the video
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#2 Awareness Practice part 2: Embodied Awareness.
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Listen to the audio meditation
#3 Relational Meditation and Prayer: You can imagine, relate to, and converse with, any archetypal form or higher power of your choosing.
Watch the video
Listen to the audio meditation
#4 Psychological Meditation: We will access inner resources and apply them to any place in ourselves that needs nurturing or healing. Creative Mind is a state-of-the-art approach: see my videos and audio meditations here.
Watch the video
Listen to the audio meditation
#5 Practising the Three Types of Meditation: We will practice the three types of meditation in a single sitting.
#6 A “Short and sweet” meditation format. Learn how to do these meditations in a short amount of time, so that we can connect with ourselves and life in a few minutes.
Watch the video here
Listen to the meditation here
Guest Trainer Selene Vega
#1 Connecting from My Centre
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#2 Finding Balance
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