We offer personal evolution programmes using psychological and spiritual tools to help you make the most of your life. We help you with the three “marriages”: the marriage with yourself, the marriage with your work and the marriage of love, family and friendship. We are interested in helping people fulfil their potential in all dimensions of life.
We provide a relaxed easy-going environment with short presentations and coaching demonstrations, exercises in pairs or trios, meditations and group sharing. We help you take positive action in your life. For a full list of workshops, dates and locations see the calendar.
Free Wednesday Mini Workshops
Free Wednesday Workshops Mini Workshops: A couple of Wednesdays a month we run a free mini Zoom workshops online between 4pm-6pm London time. Click the link to find out about this weeks free workshop.
To get the latest information about our workshops, join our mailing list.
The Core Programme
Life Talent Part 1: Tools for Personal Transformation:: is our 9 week Zoom workshop that helps you develop and focus on what is great and unique about you as well as helping overcome your inner obstacles to success and happiness. You will leave with a new view of yourself, increased positivity, hope and actions steps to move you forward in your life.
The Life Talent Programme: Part 2
Find greater joy in the life you already have and the future you wish to create. Learn to profoundly transform your difficulties into the fuel for your life’s journey. Be inspired by the vision for your life and have the courage to take the next steps towards your goals. Be more confident and comfortable in who you are and what you offer the world, and more able to help and inspire others. This is our hallmark deep personal transformation and self-actualisation programme which takes place over a year.
The Life Talent Programme translated into Mandarin for those living in China.
Other Programmes
Generative Citizen is a global network of psychologically empowered and skillful people making the world a better place.
Love Yourself, Love the World
Atsitsa Bay, Skyros, Greece
Increase the well-being in your life. Positive Psychology research shows that if you increase your well-being you will be happier, more successful, have better health and relationships and live longer.
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