Overcome your inner obstacles to fulfilling your potential
We need to make the most of ourselves and our talents, and we also need to overcome our inner obstacles to fulfilling your potential.
There are 3 “marriages” in Life: the marriage with your work, the marriage of love and the marriage with yourself.
We can fulfil our potential in each of these areas by paying attention to 4 key principles:
- Make the most of what is special about you.
- Overcome your inner obstacles to fulfilling your potential.
- Learn to feel the support of Life itself.
- Take action to improve your life.
Overcome your inner obstacles to fulfilling your potential
Four psychological things can hold you back in life:
- Memories of historical experiences that wounded and undermined your sense of self.
- Unresolved emotions that still remain in your body from these experiences.
- Disempowering beliefs about yourself and the world that resulted from those early life experiences.
- Dysfunctional habits and behaviours you developed to compensate for those difficulties, disempowering experiences, feelings and beliefs.
Briefly, the process for healing what holds you back traces the same four steps: to remember (including muscle memory); to let the feelings surface and to welcome and release them; to identify the disempowering beliefs and to create new empowering beliefs; to let go of old habits and behaviours and develop new empowering ways of acting.
The final step, the most important step, after sufficient healing has taken place, is when the old wound becomes part of your gift to the world. My twin brother’s heroin addiction and his death from an overdose is what lead me to be a psychotherapist, coach and personal transformation facilitator. When I help people, I see it as something that I am doing on his behalf.
This second principle, “Overcome your inner obstacles to fulfilling your potential” releases what holds you back. But there is more. Once healed, the resolution of the old wounds become a significant part of your contribution to the world.
The third key principle of fulfilling your potential in life: Learn to feel the support of Life itself, can be read about here.
This blog is part of a series on the four principles of fulfilling your potential in life. You can read about these principles in the following posts: